Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stephen Kings Why We Crave Horror Films Essay -- essays research paper

As I was lying in bed recalling the event happened an hour before I was thinking to myself that I will never look at lightning the same way again. Thunder and lightning was still present in the night sky as I mystify there in bed thanking God I was alive and well. individually flash of lightning lit the entire room and each clap of thunder rattle the windows of my hotel room. Lightning can seem much more terrifying when youre up 20,000 ft in the mountains, and the thunder sounds a lot louder too. The sound of natures fury seemed to slowly descend as the night went on, but my nerves did not. I was still stunned and in shock of being stuck in a lightning storm high in the mountains. I never thought about the power and damage lightning can inflict upon its surroundings. It was summer 2001 and we had been invited to attend the wedding in Colorado for one of our friends. The wedding took place on a mountain top in Keystone, Colorado. The wedding reception also took place in the burden on the mountain top. The mountain top was about 20,000 ft about sea level. In order to get there you had to ride two gondolas. Each gondola sat about six people and would carry on up the mountain and down the mountain and down the mountain much care a ski lift. Each ride lasted about 15 minutes. The wedding was a success, and it was one of the best weddings Ive ever attended. The reception went all into the night. laughter and conversation could be heard yards away from the lo...

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